I have ended my adventure into the food pantry experience as it pertains to this blog. I have come to realize that I have always lived and cooked in this manner. Never really knowing what will be for dinner, I have always relied on a single ingredient to create a wonderful dish. This has always been my forte. I will continue to explore new dishes based on seasonal fresh ingredients and pantry staples. Keeping inventories low in the fridge helps me get excited about the hunting and gathering experiences at produce markets. I love making frequent visits to these local markets. I wish I had some nearby farmers in the area so that I can shop locally. This might be another issue I need to explore in greater depth.
Until we cook again, signing out chef Michelle
1 comment:
Hi Michelle,
I like the conclusion of your experiment. Using local produce is very important to me and I am dismayed to find imported fruit/produce that is marketed ahead of local simply because it is cheaper. How can an apple shipped in from China be cheaper than a local one? I don't really want to know but I do buy local! Keep in touch.
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